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 I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn

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Registration date : 2008-03-27

I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn Empty
PostI'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn

I'm really quite tired right now. I didn't get much sleep because of that stupid penguin that sleeps in our bed. It's really life-like and it's supposed to cure me of my fear of penguins. It's not really working though.

Well, yesterday Jennifyr and I went to go see a movie and when we got there, we decided to go see Horton Hears a Who. Yeah yeah, I know it's a kid movie, but hey, two 19 year olds can't go see it? It was really cute. I didn't like it as much as Jennifyr, she really liked it, but I thought it was pretty good.

Budsey's doing better. Not puking as much, although whenever he takes a dump we STILL have to poke through it until we find the superball or he gets surgery. I'm not sure which one I'd prefer.

All the rats are doing good. Budsey and Ollie really hit it off. Ollie and Jenni really bonded too. Jenni really just drives out to get the rats and then cuddles with them. I have to do all the dirty work. Although she helps with cage cleans.
Now, I'm sure you all are wondering what happened to Jennifyr that made her finally leave CPP. Of course there's alot of things and I'm sure she mentioned them to you, but I'll mention it again:

-Budsey swallowed a superball and he may need surgery, she really loves him despite his learning disabilities.

-We lost Twister, although we ended up finding him in the food closet eating bread.

-Her and her mom got into a HUGE fight about whether or not Jennifyr could've prevented Clove's death. Jennifyr is really close to her mom and hates fighting with her.

-That idiot Guin just really, really angered her and stressed her out, and she thinks she messed up the forum.

-She just fell into another depression like the one she had 2 years ago, except it's worse.

and what she didn't tell you and why she OFFICIALLY quit is:

-Her mom just had a stroke yesterday.

Jennifyr and her mom are SUPER DUPER close, they always have been, and this stroke REALLY upset Jenny. They don't know if her mom is going to make it, it was a pretty bad one, and she's just really distraught. She's just about to go up to the hospital right now, and she's really really stressed. I wanted to go with her, but I have to work. Normally I'd take off, but since Jenni is an only child since her brother died, we'll be paying for her mom's hospital stay since Jenni's dad died a couple years ago as well.
I tried to get her to come back, I read her Goodbye Thread and it's like WOW. Everyone wants her to stay.

I was IMing her yesterday, and we talked about it for a while. Here's what she said. I figured you guys might want to see it.

Yes, I'm hotgi235. Jenni thinks it sounds really girly, but HEY! I'm just speaking the truth!!!
[21:27] hotgi235: Why did you leave them
[CPP] ? They all obviously really respect you and want you to stay, Jenny.

[21:27] Jennifyr235: Well...I just couldn't. I feel like with the depression now, I'd be asking way too much of them to continue giving me their sympathy and helping through these times. I want them to be happy. They're like, my second family over there.

[21:28] hotgi235: But they really want you to stay. I'm sure they really wouldn't mind you staying. They'd probably WANT to give you sympathy to HELP you.

[21:29] Jennifyr235: Maybe...but maybe I'm just being a bother and thinking too much of myself and making it all be about ME ME ME
[21:29] Jennifyr235: I don't want it to seem like that.

[21:29] hotgi235: But Jen, they UNDERSTAND.
[21:29] hotgi235: I know they would.
[21:30] hotgi235: Maybe they don't understand that depression is a disease, and it's physically impossible for you to get over it on your own until things get better, you get lots of support, and some medicine, but still.

[21:31] Jennifyr235: Andre, I don't want to do that to them. I don't want them to feel like they have to wait on me and CONSTANTLY be giving me sympathy. It's probably hard enough for them. I'm just bringing WAY too much drama into their peaceful little community.

[21:33] hotgi235: JENNIFYR. LISTEN TO ME. You should GO BACK. They want you there! Did you SEE your GoodBye thread?! It's 5 PAGES of people's replies telling you NOT TO LEAVE and to STAY AT CPP! Do you not understand what they're saying to you?
[21:37] hotgi235: Jenny?

[21:38] Jennifyr235: I do, I really do. I just...with what happened...I just can't. I need this break, and you need to get unafraid of penguins. Ok?

[21:38] hotgi235: I know, I know. You're pretty much right. Look, it's ok. Why are we IMing each other when we're right across the room from each other?

[21:39] Jennifyr235: Uhhh......I dunno....
[21:39] Jennifyr235: Want some yogurt? Coconut cream pie flavored! (flavor chosen courtesy of Neo and iWaddle through AIM)

[21:39] hotgi235: Sure!
I know that she REALLY misses you guys, and if you can, send her an IM or email just saying Hi. That'd make her feel really good inside.

Anyways, I'm going back to sleep and I am SO not bringing the penguin in with me. It's scary. Whenever Jen leaves I lock it in a closet. Just incase.
EDIT; I think she's feeling better. Or the anti-depressant medicine kicked in REAL well. She just got back from the hospital a bit ago and I caught her jumping on the couch with this random shooter that shoots out these darts and she was singing to the radio. The song is Won't Go Home Without You by Maroon 5. She says the lyrics kinda sound like how her life is going. She still is singing now. I'm going to sing with her too!!! :D
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I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn :: Comments

Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 12:00 pm by Mickey4741
Thanks for the info. I really wish she didn't leave :( Wahhhhhh! cry! sob! At least she's feeling better.
Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 4:02 pm by RR
Wait are you her boyfriend she told us about!?
Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 4:10 pm by iWaddle
RangersRock30 wrote:
Wait are you her boyfriend she told us about!?

Yes, that's him. :P
Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 4:15 pm by RR
iWaddle wrote:
RangersRock30 wrote:
Wait are you her boyfriend she told us about!?

Yes, that's him. :P
But its sad to see her gooo :(
Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 4:29 pm by Argie
Her mom had a stroke? That's SO SAD!!
I'm glad she's feeling a bit better.
Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 5:12 pm by Jake
Well i hope she's feeling better.
Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 5:53 pm by Mickey4741
So she's NEVER coming back? :(
Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 6:24 pm by Andre
Oh she'll be back. She wants to come back. She just doesn't want to come back until she's feeling better. She said she'd probably be back around April 29th or so. She said she'd for sure come back to at least say Hi on April 29th but I don't know about staying.

Jennifyr changed the rules with the penguin stuffed animal, so now it doesn't sit at the dinner table!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!
Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 6:38 pm by Hellopayton
The penguin stuffed animal?
Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 6:40 pm by Andre
Yup!!! :D It's actually the 2nd penguin stuffed animal we've had since budsey chewed the beak off the first one and it looked creepy.
Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 6:53 pm by Bam
I hope you get some more sleep later.

Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 7:47 pm by Andre
Thanks, I hope so too. *huffs* I'm not going to be able to though with that stupid penguin wanting to rip my head off. :x

Anyways, I'm going to walk Budsey now.

Jennifyr told me that:
-She had to walk him 5 times already
Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 8:40 pm by Mickey4741
OMG EIGHTEEN! Crazy dog. Isn't that bad? o_O
Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 9:00 pm by Andre
The vet said it's just part of who Budsey is. Trust me, we asked.

Jennifyr is at the hospital with her mom right now, and I hope she gets home at a decent time. She needs to sleep, which she hasn't been doing enough.
Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 28th 2008, 9:02 pm by Mickey4741
Ok. Lol "it's just who he is" xD
Re: I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn
Post March 29th 2008, 12:25 am by RR
Omg cs...i get rly sad when i read about...stuff like so sry
im glad that youre better now.
Come back soon

I'm Tired/What Happened With Jenn

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