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 A book I wrote (1 & 2)

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Registration date : 2008-08-12

A book I wrote (1 & 2) Empty
PostA book I wrote (1 & 2)

Okay so I wrote this ages ago, I had made loads more chapters but I found a forum I made about a year ago(Memories) and this was on it. It's only the first 3 chapters though, sadly :(.

I had to make a new topic for the third chapter. Infract me if thats not allowed :O

Chapter 1: Leg & The Tickets

sat there and watched them play. They were actually guite good, I had a
bet on the blue side. It was a special today, If the blue side win I
might get my name picked out of a hat to get free tickets to the grand
opening of the movie theatre.
"Theres 10 seconds left, the blues have the puck... He's gonna.... Yes! That makes it 10 - 6! the blue hockey team rule!"
Thats the horn, end of match. The blues won and that means my name
might be called! Although it's against every other person that bet on
the blues, but I guess we all have the same chances. By the way, my
name is Leg. And this story is a true one, or else I wouldn't take the
time out to tell you it. The announcer started talking.... "And so, out
of the 2340 penguins that betted on the blues, the winner is.... Leg!
Well done Leg, you now have 2 tickets to go to the grand opening of the
movie theatre!" I couldn't beleive it.. I was so gob-smacked at that
point, Then I realised I had to stand up and go down to receive my
When I got down there and they gave me the tickets I
managed a "Thanks!" The movie theatre was a whole scene for all the
famous penguins, all the known ones, tickets normals cost about 20,000
coins each! I couldn't beleive I grabbed two! They also gave me 100,000
coins because the team I bet on won.
So I waddled off home, past the
movie theatre, but I couldn't help stop and look at it thinking, 'Me,
I'm going there' It of course wasn't open yet, and was still being

I couldn't explain to you how hard it would be to get
tickets there normally, It was on the news that the grand opening had a
list of HUGE names going, actors, singers, legends of Club Penguin! The
grand opening was in two days, So I had untill then to find someone to
go with me, which shouldn't be hard, I mean, It's the movie theatre!
I went home, I went and grabbed a pizza to go. "What topping..?" Said
the man at the counter "Fish, Cheese and hot sauce" I replied. He then
turned to the cook and told him what I wanted. So I stood there for a
while thinking how awesome it would be, in two days I'll be at the
theatre watching something that - for these prices, and for all the
famous penguins that want to go, will be amazing!
I couldn't help
imagine what it would be like, In the newspaper this morning reporters
were saying it was an alien typed film, and penguins were saying
they've been hearing strange noises from inside. So it must be some
sort of alien play, played by the top acotrs of Club Penguin, funny,
twisted and magical. The special effects would be awesome and.. ohh.. I
can't wait. "SIR! for the thrid time, your pizza.." The guy at the
counter then awoke me from my day dream with that. "Third time? So
sorry" I said to him. "That'll be 20 coins" I gave him the coins and
waddled out of the shop. The pizza box was extremely hot. I took one
last look at the theatre and waddled off, in the distance I heard the
starange noises, it was like alien sounds of beeping and clanging. It
might just be the builders working though. I waddled back to see if I
could hear it again. and that was when I noticed something stange, int
he corner, on top of the theatre there was a strange penguin sat there,
he looked dangerous, and almost invisible, he was writing something..
"Hello?" I shouted up. He growled and jumped away behing the theatre. The page he was writing on dropped though.
took a look, It was a drawing of two puffle statue typed things, and he
was inside ones mouth, with something in his hand and an arrow pointing
towards the actors, it was like, a snowball on fire. I looked back up
and wondered who he was, and what he was planning..

Chapter 2: Leg & Hero

next day I awoke quite early, I took a look at my clock and it said
3:45 AM. I hate waking up early. Especially when you can never get back
to sleep. I then remembered it was a friday, So i had to go to work
that day. Which meant less time to get excited about the theatre, which
is good in a way. I work at the coffee shop. It is nice and peacefull
in there, I usually serve the drinks and wait on people. I like that.
James, my best bud, works upstairs in the Book Room. He makes sure
everything is nice a tidy up there. The coffee shop and the book room
share there staff room, so when me & James are on break, it's quite
fun. I took another look at the clock.. 3:52 AM. I yawned and got out
of bed, and then went to get some water. I really quite fancied a swim,
but I was so tired. I drank the whole glass of water, then filled up
another and splashed it over my face. I went back to bed and I layed
there quietly thinking about the theatre, I could not get to sleep at
all, and that guy.. Who was that guy? I still had his plans, if they
were plans.. Who knows, he could just of been a kid making a picture
for his mum & dad. At that point I felt sorry for him, for keeping
his picture. But still, It could of been something bigger. I turned
around and took another look at the clock.. 4:16 AM. I couldn't get to
sleep at all. I then got out of bed, took a mug, got some coffee and
drank it really quickly, I then grabbed my coat and some swimming
shorts. I went of my igloo and it was pretty warm outside. I slowly
waddled over to the underground swimming pool, It was a long way away.
But if I took the tunnel by the pet shop I should be abled to get there
quite quickly. But of course, to get to the pet shop, I'd have to pass
the theatre, which got me excited again.
I put my hands in my coat
pocket and remembered I had that penguins picture in here. As I got
into the plaza, I straight away looked up at the theatre. I don't know
why I did, I think I'm just shocked that for once, something cool is
happening to me. But this is what stunned me - That kid was on top of
the theatre again, but he was like, looking into the theatre from the
top, not drawing anything this time.
I took the picture out of my
pocket and said "Kid, do you want your picture back?" He growled and
then spoke, in a really croaky voice "Get out of here, and I'm no kid,
and I don't draw pictures." I was shocked, And I don't know why, but I
asked... "So what are these then, plans? What are you doing?" He then
replied in a more croakier voice "I said get out of here, go to where
you were going and stop bothering me!" At that point I quickly climbed
under ground and got into the pool. This pool was nice, it was heated
aswell. I said there thinking for a few minutes, about what the guy
was, and what he was upto. I then heard the lid of the ladder that goes
up to normal ground open, I turned around and the light sort of blinded
me for a few seconds, and when I could see again, I saw that the person
climbing down was him.
I got sort of scared at this point and had no
idea what to do. I looked at the clock and it said 5:03 AM. There was
no chance a bunch of penguins were going to jump down and save me. I
stared at him, even though it was possibly the most scariest thing to
do, I just stood in the pool, and stared at him. I was kinda shaking
now, I don't even know why I was scared at him. I guess it was just the
time and place, and how he was unknown. "What's your name" He said to
me, in his croaky voice. "..L-Leg." I stuttered back. "And why are you
out here swimming at 5 in the morning, Leg?" He asked me.
"I don't know, I felt like I needed it, and I couldn't sleep" I said
"Hmph. So you just thought you come down here and take a swim?" He croaked.
"Well, yeah.. And.. Whats your name?" I asked him
"Hero" He croaked back.
he said this he walked towards the door to the boiler room. I watched
him walk all the way there and I was still wondering what he was upto.
I had never heard of the name Hero before, and what a strange name
anyway... I'm guessing he wasn't called that at birth. I turned around
to the clock, it said 5:34 AM. I was there for a while, and so I
started to head home again. Hoping to catch atleast an hour of sleep.
On the way home I still couldn't help think of Hero and what he was up
to. I needed to ask someone who he was, but it was half 5 in the
morning at the moment and I had work tomorrow.. Maybe I'll ask James
what he thinks, and if he knows him. He could be a famous penguin that
I don't know about, or a guard just making sure I wasn't trying to get
into the theatre. But that still doesn't explain these plans. Why would
he be hold a snowball that was on fire, and aiming it at the play? It
all seems to weird.
At that point I realised I was outside my igloo,
I went in, hung my shorts up, put my coat on the rack and grabbed a
glass of water. As I drunk the water I looked outside my window and
tried to forget about Hero for now, and just look foraward to the play
on saturday. I double bolted my igloo doors, but I havn't done this
before and it must have something to do with Hero. Why was I even
scared of the guy, whats with him?

Chapter 3:
Continued in another topic! :O
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