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 A book I wrote (3)

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Registration date : 2008-08-12

A book I wrote (3) Empty
PostA book I wrote (3)

Chapter 3: Leg & Heroes Tale
woke up of a peaceful hour of sleep, it was 6:47 AM now. so I got up
and got ready for work. I'm so glad I work in the coffee shop, because
it's peaceful and will give me time to think about what happened
I opened the fridge to grab a nice big piece of fish to
eat, but the firdge was empty, except for some old cheese and lumpy
milk. I was nearly sick because of the smell. I thought to myself 'How
long was it since I last ate?' I checked the clock, It was only 6:59
AM. I had to be at wrk by 9:00 AM. So I waddled down to the shop to get
some stuff to eat. I hoped they had a fresh stock of fish from there
fishers, but when I looked it seemed that they didn't. No fish in
sight. But anyway, I grabbed some milk, eggs and some penguin crackers.
When I put them on the counter I asked the lady "Do you have any fish
"Nope, but the fisherman should be here within a minute" She replied.
I waited, only thinking of the theatre and Hero. I really wanted to
know who he was and what he was upto, I thought about asking the woman
at the counter but that would of seemed weird, at least I think it
would of.
I checked the clock in the shop, 7:34 AM. I had plenty of
time. At that point the fishermen came in with bag full of fish tried
to there backs, the woman quickly ran over and got me one, and then I
paid, 102 coins just for all that. I waddled out of the shop and back
home, I then stuck the fish in the oven, the eggs in the fridge and
then made my self a glass of healthy milk. I could use a coffee, but
I'll grab one at the coffee shop, I get them free there.
I sat on my
sofa and waited untill the fish was ready, I decided not to wait in
silence so I turned my T.V on. The news flashed up, just the average
stuff, except.. I turned the TV up
"At around 5:30 AM last night, a penguin was found dead in the boiler room, below the nightclub" The reporter said

'Hero?' I thought
was 5:03 AM when I was talking to him in the underground, I remember
looking at the clock as he came down, and afterwards he went into the
boiler room, and if a penguin was found ead there at 5:30 AM.... It
must be him!' I was suprised and shocked

The reporter continued...

has been reported by G and his group of scientists that it was a
deifinite murder. The penguin killed was bright blue, and had only
sunglasses and wooly socks on"
'Thats not what hero was wearing, and hero wasn't bright blue either.. What.. Whats going on?' I thought
I heard the cooker beeping, so I shot up and took the fish out. It was
slightly burnt but that's okay. As I ate the fish I wondered what
happened at the boiler room last night, these things usually wouldn't
bug me this much, but, I was there last night, and hero walked into the
boiler room at the time this could of happened, I mean, the penguin was
found at 5:30 AM, so it would of had to have happened between about
5:10 AM and 5:30 AM, because I doubt hero would ignore a dead body on
the ground, I don't think anyway' In the background I heard the
reporter say "The boiler room camera was disconnected at exactly 5:09
AM, but the person who did it was not seen"
I was so shocked I could
barely think anything, would it of been Hero who disconnected the
camera... could he of murdered that penguin? I could barely think of it
any more, and before I even realised I was eating air. I checked the
clock and it said 8:35 AM. So I quickly grabbed my coat and my coffee
apron and headed out to work. I took the long way to dodge going past
the theatre and the underground entrance, I really didn't want to see
what was going on there. at that point I remembered I still had heroes
plans in my pocket. I took another look at them, I don't think there
were any clues to anything about murdering a penguin, the only thing
stange was him throwing fireballs at the actors, and if this is gonna
happen, well I don't even know if I want to go to that theatre, which
reminds me, I still better ask James if he wants to go, because, well,
nothings gonna happen at the theatre, if it was hero that killed that
penguin then he won't be throwing fireballs just the next day.
I got into the coffee shop it was empty, and peaceful. I hung my coat
on the rack and put my coffee apron on, I then made sure the plans were
kept safe in my coat pocket and then went to the counter.
I poured
myself 2 cups of coffee, I was tired from last night. I drunk them both
so quickly I barely realised they were gone, and sure that I had
misplaced a cup and had only drunk one, I poured another and drunk
that. I turn around then rested my head in my hands on the desk and
just thought about Hero, about the theatre, about the murder...
Then I heard the coffee shop door open and I shot up, like I had been asleep. I turned around and saw James
"Eh, I eard you won those tickets yesterday" He said
"Yeah, I got two, you wanna go?"
"Sure thing!" He replied.
"Hey, I gotta tell you something" I said
"Go on.." He said
last night I couldn't sleep, because I got those tickets, and before I
got home I saw some strange guy on top of the theatre who growled at me
and ran away, but he dropped some plans, I'll get them in a sec, and
then I went to swim at night, because it always helps, and as I was
going to the underground he was on top of the theatre again, I asked
him if he wanted his plans back and he told me to get out of here and
to go where I was heading, so I went into the swimming pool and got in,
and then he came down and sat near me, he asked me my name and I told
him, but when I asked his he said 'Hero' and then walked off into the
boiler room, see, thing is, he went into the boiler room at about 5:05
AM and that whole story on the news this morning.." I explained
"Hero? Isn't that the guy that saved Club Penguin or something?" James said
But before I could reply I heard a voice from behind me
"You could say that"
It was my boss
"You know him?" I said
"Quite well, the scum"
"Yea. Scum" He said
He carried on.. "I wouldn't be suprised if it was him that killed that poor penguin"
"Why?" James said
I'd like to tell you, but I'm not to sharp on how he apparently saved
Club Penguin, And you're gonna need to know that part before I tell you
mine" John said, John is my boss.
"I suggest you go to see G, I'm sure he's on his break now" John continued..
"He might know a lot about Hero" And then he walked off.
"Well I'm going to see G, you coming?" I asked James.
"Sure thing, an easy morning off work will do me fine"
So we went to see G, we waddled off to the sport shop and just as John said, he was there.
"G, Umm, I need to ask you something" I said
"Oh come in come in" He replied
"ruining my break" he mumbled
"Pardon?" Said James
"Oh nothing, so what it is you wanted?" G asked
"Well, It's about hero" I said
"Hero?! He's a great buddy of mine!" G replied
"How did he save Club Penguin?" James asked
quite some years ago, Club Penguin was in danger, All the ice was
melting, it was hot everywhere! 20 penguins had died in a month just
because of the heat, nobody could figure out why it was so hot, the sun
was normal, the temperature was normal, Not even I could figure it out,
but then came a long Hero. But of course back then he was called
George, that was his real name, He went up into the lighthouse and
worked out that the light house keeper had made the light 4 times
stronger and positioned it on Club Penguin, of course, the light house
keeper died aswell, We all then positioned the light back to normal and
Club Penguin was saved, and at around that time every item Rockhopper
had bought for Club Penguins biggest party had been stolen, such a sad
time for Rockhopper"

"Now if you don't mind, I have to get back to work" G said, then he waddled off back to work.
"So if he saved Club Penguin, he couldn't of killed that penguin" Said James
"Or drew this?" I said as I passed him the plans hero had dropped
"Weird" James said
"Come on, we havn't heard the whole story yet" I said
We then waddled off back to the coffee shop.
"Tomorrow is gonna be so awesome, I mean, US at the grand opening!" Said James
"Yeah, I was excited too, untill all this popped up"
"You mean your not going?" James said
"Yeah I'm still going, but you know what I mean" I said
Then we got back to the coffee shop and found John
"So we know what hero did to save club penguin..." I said
"Well, I'll tell you my part of that story then" John said
guess he told you about the 20 penguins dieing from the heat? Well, I,
for sure saw hero kill 3 penguins which got counted for the heat, I
don't know about the rest, when I tried reporting it they didn't
beleive me and I got fined for lieing. I also saw him kill the
lighthouse keeper and position that light himself, then when he
reported what was wrong and everyone was re-positioning it, he wasn't
there, because he knew rockhopper would be helping them with the light,
he went down and stole everything in rockhoppers boat, I dunnu if G
told you that part, he's a cold-blooded murderer, I saw all of this
with my own eyes" John said

I was shocked. I just sat down and
didn't answer John, if this was true then.. everything would fit
together, the penguin, the plans...

"He planned it out so perfectly, now everybody loves him" John said as he walked into his office

sat there and couldn't beleive what was going on, just these theatre
tickets triggered up all of this. And what was hero going to do
tomorrow... What was gonna happen.
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Re: A book I wrote (3)
Post August 29th 2008, 6:50 pm by Ashley_Babbi

A book I wrote (3)

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